POSTPONED – Genealogy Workshop: Indirect Evidence
(Date and Time TBA) In this fourth and final installment in the Old Stone Fort 2020 Genealogy Workshop Series, Boston University Certified Genealogist and Schoharie County Historical Society Genealogist Catherine Adams will present “Indirect Evidence”, a subject sparked by the genealogy question, “Who were Aurelia Olmsted Drake’s parents?”
Ms. Adams says the lack of direct evidence to answer this question led to 14 years of uncovering any bit of evidence to do so.
Throughout the workshop, Ms. Adams said she will discuss mastering genealogical proof and evaluating evidence, including direct evidence, indirect evidence and negative evidence.
She will also explore topics such as the value of other people’s research and unsourced evidence, looking at evidence objectively, plotting evidence so it makes sense and going back and looking at evidence again and again.
This presentation was first given on September 19, 2019 in Syracuse, NY for the Central New York Genealogical Society.
The workshop will be held in the Badgley Museum Annex at the Old Stone Fort Museum Complex. The cost is $5 for adults and free for students and Schoharie County Historical Society members.
Refreshments will be generously provided.