Our New World Dutch barn is a type of architecture primarily found in the greater Hudson River Valley, characterized by its nearly square shape, steep roof and gable-end doors. This barn was once part of the Schaeffer farm south of the Village of Schoharie. According to local histories, the barn narrowly escaped destruction during the Johnson Raid of 1780. The barn was moved to this site by the Historical Society in the early 1990s.
We need your help to preserve this historic structure.
Since being moved to our site, the Dutch Barn has served as exhibit space for 300 years of Schoharie County agricultural history. Currently, the Dutch Barn is unable to be opened to the public due to the massive amount of work required to make the space safe and enjoyable.
This barn needs:
- Added supports under the floor to make the structure level
- New siding and doors
Post-and-beam work to make the structure stable long-term - Flooring repair
- Improved lighting
- Dendrochronology to determine a more exact time period
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