The above newspaper clipping came from page 3 of the March 8, 1860 issue of the Schoharie Republican. In 1857 New York State purchased the Old Stone Fort for $800 and converted it into an armory. From 1865-1868 this building was the headquarters for Company B of the 108th NY National Guard.
This company was formed during the end of the Civil War and was never mustered out. It was originally part of the 40th NY Militia Regiment in 1862. It wasn’t until December 1864 when they were transferred into the 108th NY Infantry Militia Regiment. Their headquarters were at the Old Stone Fort which was at that point an armory. Many of those who were found among the archives enlisted on January 14, 1865, although some enlisted later. Regardless, this Regiment was dissolved on August 14, 1868.
This Regiment was part of the 18th Brigade which was part of the 5th Division of the New York State National Guard.(1) Colonel Elias Brown briefly commanded them before being promoted to Brigadier General and moving to command the 13th Brigade in 1864 (still part of the 5th Division). The 108th was then Commanded by Colonel Almon N. Wakefield who was then replaced by Colonel Alonzo Ferguson in September 1866. The Regiment’s Quartermaster was Lieutenant Charles Holmes. The 18th Brigade was commanded by Brigadier General William Martin and the 5th Division was commanded by Major General T.B. Gates.
These two newspaper clippings came from an article from page 2 of the May 2, 1861 issue of the Schoharie Republican. This features information regarding the 40th NY Infantry from which Company B of the 108th NY National Guard was formed a few years later.
Up until the summer of 1865, Richard Wallace served as the Captain of Company B. He resigned after an incident in Jefferson, NY when his company performed a cannon salute on the 4th of July and accidentally shot off the hand of Dr. Tunis Cooper as he came within range of the cannon.(2) An election was subsequently held after his resignation to fill the vacancy. Sergeant Charles M. Throop won this election and became Captain, serving for the remainder of this Regiment’s existence.
This exhibit features several drill orders, court martial notices, and letters involving both Company B and the 108th as a whole. This Regiment contained ten companies which were named A-K (excluding J)(3). According to the logbook, in addition to 1 Captain there were 2 Lieutenants, 5 Sergeants, and 8 Corporals. In 1867 there were 68 Privates listed while in 1866 there were 67 Privates listed.(4) The Old Stone Fort was still in use as an arsenal until 1873.
(1) Infantry regiments typically contained ten to twelve companies with a full capacity of around 1,000 soldiers. Brigades contained an average of four regiments but often ranged from two to six. Divisions contained between three and five Brigades. “From Regiment to President: The Structure and Command of Civil War Armies,” National Park Service. armies.htm#:~:text=A%20Civil%20War%20division%20contained,nearly%20twice%20as%20many%20me.
(2) “Dr. Tunis Cooper of Jefferson, N.Y.” by Tunis Goodenough, Obtained from the Town of Jefferson Historical Society of Schoharie County. This was written by Dr. Cooper’s Grandson and it stated that Dr. Cooper came within range of the cannon in an effort to chase away children who ran too close to it as he feared for their lives. After losing his hand, he had to have the rest of his arm below the elbow amputated.
(3) Because I and J appear similar when written in cursive, the letter J was skipped when naming Companies.
(4) The logbook is titled “Delinquent Return of the Reserve Militia,” and it belonged to Captain Throop. Information on the other officers mentioned above came from a copy of the “Proceedings of the Military Association of the State of New York at its annual meeting in January, 1867.” It was published in New York by Richardson and Company, 540 Broadway.
This is a portrait of Eli Chesebro (1829-1892), a Private who served in the 108th NY National Guard Company B at the Old Stone Fort from January 14, 1865 to August 14, 1868. The 1820 Flintlock Musket as well as the belt, pouches, powder flask and cartridge box were given to him after the regiment disbanded in 1868. Chesebro’s belongings were donated to the museum in 2023 by Judy Marie Sharpe Sitterley on behalf of the will of Richard Adam Sitterley, Chesebro’s Great-Great-Grandson.
The printed document below is General Order No. 1 and it was issued on March 6, 1865. To put this in perspective, this was a little over a month before the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. These first few documents were for the entire regiment.
*A Fatigue Cap is a hat that was commonly worn during the Civil War.
*A Drill Parade is a formation of Soldiers marching close to each other with restricted movement.
These next five documents apply only to Company B. After the resignation of Captain Richard Wallace, an election was held to replace him. Charles Throop won that election. Since these documents were written in cursive, a transcription has been placed below them.
Notice for Company Election
To Sergeant Elijah Chatterton
YOU ARE HEARBY ORDERED to notify several persons whose names are hereunder written, with three days’ notice, that an Election will be held on the 29th day of July at 10 o’clock, in the fore noon, at Agricultural Hall in the Town of Schoharie for the purpose of choosing a suitable person to fill the office of Captain in the 108 Regiment, 18 Brigade, and 5th Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, which has become vacant by the resignation of Richard Wallace Hereof fail not; and make due return to me of the time when you shall have respectively notified said persons and the manner thereof. = You will also notify the persons in the Annexed list that the uniforms which have been (amended) to this company will be (drawn) for after the non-commissioned officers are furnished and that a drill will take place immediately after such (doing) and distribution.
William O Root Wm Zeh
Char M. Throop Wm Parrot
Elijah Chatterton George Weidman
C M Boughton Erskine Becker
Luther Shaffer Edmond Simeon
Nm. A. Nicks Edwin Shaffer
Jerome J Knicker Jacob H. Shaffer
George Kniskern Origen Rickart
Theodore Reginer James Rickart
J M Noxen Joseph Kinney
George H. Shaffer George Woodcock
Thomas B. Borst Wm Spaulding
Henry B. Bagley
Henry C. Root
C.C. Lasell
Daniel Young
Zinas Spawn
Dated at ________this 4 day of July A.D. 1865.
Notice for Company Election
To Sergeant Sherman Schoolcraft
YOU ARE HEARBY ORDERED to notify several persons whose names are hereunder written, with three days’ notice, that an Election will be held on the 29th day of July at 10 o’clock, in the fore noon, at Agricultural Hall in the Town of Schoharie for the purpose of choosing a suitable person to fill the office of Captain in the 108 Regiment, 18 Brigade, and 5th Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, which has become vacant by the resignation of Richard Wallace Hereof fail not; and make due return to me of the time when you shall have respectively notified said persons and the manner thereof. = You will also notify the persons in the Annexed list that the uniforms which have been (amended) to this company will be (drawn) for after the non-commissioned officers are furnished and that a drill will take place immediately after such (doing) and distribution.
Sherman Schoolcraft
Simeon Shell
Eli Chesbrow
Wesley Towsend
Wm L. Roney
J B Hinting
Daniel Salsbury
Jacob Jost Jr
Theodore Haverly X
Lambart Bassler
Dated at ________this 4 day of July A.D. 1865.
Quartermaster’s Dep’t,
108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y.
Cobleskill, N.Y., Sept 26 1865.
You will please take notice of an order. Hereby promulgated of which the annexed printed circular as a copy.
Rect: (Monroe)
Charles Holmes Quater Master
108th Regt N.G.S.NY.
For Capt Throop
Commanding Co “B”.
108 Regt N.G.S.N.Y
Headquarters, “B” Co. 108th Regt. N.G.S.N.Y
Schoharie Sep 21 1865
Sergt. Wesley Settle
You will notify immidiately upon receipt of this order the following named persons to appear at a Court Martial to be held on the 9th day of October 1865 at the Hotel of J. Maternagan in Schoharie and make return of your doings herein to me.
CM Throop
Capt Comdg “B” Co.
Simeon Shell. T
Eli Settle. Sent by Mail
Duane B. Whipple. Not found
Hiram Becker. Sent By Mail
Sanford Marcelus. P
Charles Armstrong. T
Paul Becker. T
Alvy Becker. T
Henry Norman. Sent By Letter
David H. Salsbury. T
David Bateholts.
Morgan Devoe. Sent By Mail
Headquarters, “B” Co. 108 Regt N.Y.S.N.Y.
Schoharie Sept 26th 1865
Sergt. J.H. Clark
You will immediately upon receipt of this order, notify the following named persons to appear at a Regimential Court Martial to be held on the 9th day of October AD 1865 at the Hotel of J. Maternagan in Schoharie and make return of your savings here in to me.
C.M. Throop
Capt Comdg “B” Co.
Sergt David L. Bouck. Notified P
Geo. Efner. N “
Christian Schaeffer. N “
C.H. Underhill. N (of word)
Calvin Hunt. N. Personally
The rest of this exhibit displays a mix of Regimental and Company orders, documents, etc.
The 108th Regiment
To Capt CM Throop
Sept 4. To 1 Days Service attending parade of uniformed militia 3.0[…]
July 6. To 2 Days Service notifying delinquents to appear at Regimental Court Martial 1 25 2[…]
Aug 27. 1 Days service attending Regimental Election at Middleburgh. 2.00
Sep 3. 1 Days service attending parade of uniformed militia – 3.00
I certify the above to be true and correct.
Charles M. Throop
Capt Comdg. “B” [Company]
State of New-York
Adjutant General’s Office
Albany, July 8 1867
Respectfully returned,
The within mentioned company was organized by General Order No 92 (service) of 1862 and assigned to the 40th Regiment. It was transfered to the 108th Regt in Dec 1864 and has been organized as Company “B” of that Regiment up to the present time. The members are entitled to all the privileges and exemptions allowed to the National Guard of the State of New York.
(JBJ Touchouse)
Asst Adjt General
Sergt Wesley Settle
Sir you will notify the following named persons to appear at a Court Martial to be held at the hotel of E.D. Atchinson in the Middleburgh on the 8th day of November next and make return of your doing herein to me.
Schoharie Oct 15, 1867.
Capt C.M. Throop
Sergt. Sherman Schoolcraft.
Corp. Martin Zeh. Eli Settle.
Lambert Bassler. Alvy Becker.
Paul Becker. Jacob Root Jr
Eli Cheesbro. David H. Salsbury
Morgan Devoe.
Lucius Gibbs W Settle
Simeon Shell. Sgt.
Adjutant General’s Office
Albany April 3d 1868
Captain CM Throop
Company “B” 108th Regt NY
Schoharie N.Y.
In reply to your communication of the 28th inst. I have to inform you that the following are the persons charged by the State for uniform and equipments for a member of the National Guard
Uniform $14.00
Equipments 5.00
Springfield Rifle 13.00
Total. $32.00
This final section of the exhibit shows the discharge papers of some of those who served in this company.
Captain Charles Throop later served as the President of the Schoharie Bank. His family owned Throop’s Pharmacy in the village of Schoharie.