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The National Guard Company at the Fort: 1865-1868

The Stone Fort Arsenal. We understand that the work of repairing the old Stone fort in this town, (recently purchased by the State for an Arsenal) will be commenced as soon as the weather will permit. In this connection we would state that the appropriation of $1,000 for that purpose was mainly secured through the influence of Hon. Barna R. Johnson, of Delaware, who was recently re-elected to the Assembly, to fill the vacancy occassioned by the death of Mr. Donald G. Shaw.
The above newspaper clipping came from page 3 of the March 8, 1860 issue of the Schoharie Republican. In 1857 New York State purchased the Old Stone Fort for $800 and converted it into an armory. From 1865-1868 this building was the headquarters for Company B of the 108th NY National Guard.

This company was formed during the end of the Civil War and was never mustered out. It was originally part of the 40th NY Militia Regiment in 1862. It wasn’t until December 1864 when they were transferred into the 108th NY Infantry Militia Regiment. Their headquarters were at the Old Stone Fort which was at that point an armory. Many of those who were found among the archives enlisted on January 14, 1865, although some enlisted later. Regardless, this Regiment was dissolved on August 14, 1868.

This Regiment was part of the 18th Brigade which was part of the 5th Division of the New York State National Guard.(1) Colonel Elias Brown briefly commanded them before being promoted to Brigadier General and moving to command the 13th Brigade in 1864 (still part of the 5th Division). The 108th was then Commanded by Colonel Almon N. Wakefield who was then replaced by Colonel Alonzo Ferguson in September 1866. The Regiment’s Quartermaster was Lieutenant Charles Holmes. The 18th Brigade was commanded by Brigadier General William Martin and the 5th Division was commanded by Major General T.B. Gates.

Head Quarters 18th Brigade, N.Y.S. Militia. -Middleburgh, April 29, 1861 - General Order No. 1. The 40th Regiment, under command of Colonel E.A. Brown, and the 39th Regiment, under command of Colonel J.D. Shawn will immediately attend to filling up their ranks by enrollment, and lose no time in disciplining their troops preparatory to any service they may be called upon to perform. The time has arrived when all lovers of their country should cheerfully respond to the call now made upon them in this Brigade, to defend and perpetuate the institutions of his Government. Division order No. 3 is hereby promulgated. By order of Brigadier, General G.E. Danforth. N.P. Hinman, Judge Advocate. Middleburgh, April 30, 1861. In pursuance of Brigade General Orders No. 1. The undersigned would hereby give notice that the 40th Regiment of Infantry, which includes as follows: Company A. Broome and Conesville. Company B. Blenheim, Gilboa and Jefferson. Company C. Cobleskill and Richmondville. Company D. Middleburgh and Fulton. Company E. Schoharie and Wright. Company F. Esperance and Carlisle. Wants 50 each company, all to be citizens of the U.S. The companies to elect their own officers except in Companies C. and D. where they are already elected. Enlisting orders will be sent to every responsible person who will undertake to raise the companies on application to the undersigned. -The Assessors of those Towns are directed to make a thorough enrollment (more so than ever) of all able bodied white male citizens, between 18 and 45, according to law. If any error in the enrollment the undersigned alone has power to correct it and excuse by certificate, those erroneously enrolled. The law shall be rigidly enforced. Elias A. Brown, Colonel. Commanding 40th Regiment N.Y.S.M. [New York State Militia] [County papers please copy.] Minaville, April 24, 1861.Military Orders. It will be seen by the orders of Brigadier General Danforth and Colonel Brown, in this paper, that the 40th Regiment is to be filled up and prepared for service. General Danforth and Colonel Brown, will be at Murphy's Hotel on Monday of next week, for the purpose of enlisting men to fill up the several companies of the Regiment. We hope our readers in every section of the County will promptly co-operate with them, and aid in the speedy completion of the work. All persons enlisting for the war, will find it much better to connect themselves with companies belonging to the regiment, than to join companies belonging at a distance. All members of this regiment will be returned to their own county at the close of the war, and then discharged.














These two newspaper clippings came from an article from page 2 of the May 2, 1861 issue of the Schoharie Republican. This features information regarding the 40th NY Infantry from which Company B of the 108th NY National Guard was formed a few years later.

Up until the summer of 1865, Richard Wallace served as the Captain of Company B. He resigned after an incident in Jefferson, NY when his company performed a cannon salute on the 4th of July and accidentally shot off the hand of Dr. Tunis Cooper as he came within range of the cannon.(2) An election was subsequently held after his resignation to fill the vacancy. Sergeant Charles M. Throop won this election and became Captain, serving for the remainder of this Regiment’s existence.   

This exhibit features several drill orders, court martial notices, and letters involving both Company B and the 108th as a whole. This Regiment contained ten companies which were named A-K (excluding J)(3). According to the logbook, in addition to 1 Captain there were 2 Lieutenants, 5 Sergeants, and 8 Corporals. In 1867 there were 68 Privates listed while in 1866 there were 67 Privates listed.(4) The Old Stone Fort was still in use as an arsenal until 1873.

(1) Infantry regiments typically contained ten to twelve companies with a full capacity of around 1,000 soldiers. Brigades contained an average of four regiments but often ranged from two to six. Divisions contained between three and five Brigades. “From Regiment to President: The Structure and Command of Civil War Armies,” National Park Service. armies.htm#:~:text=A%20Civil%20War%20division%20contained,nearly%20twice%20as%20many%20me.

(2) “Dr. Tunis Cooper of Jefferson, N.Y.” by Tunis Goodenough, Obtained from the Town of Jefferson Historical Society of Schoharie County. This was written by Dr. Cooper’s Grandson and it stated that Dr. Cooper came within range of the cannon in an effort to chase away children who ran too close to it as he feared for their lives. After losing his hand, he had to have the rest of his arm below the elbow amputated.

(3) Because I and J appear similar when written in cursive, the letter J was skipped when naming Companies.

(4) The logbook is titled “Delinquent Return of the Reserve Militia,” and it belonged to Captain Throop. Information on the other officers mentioned above came from a copy of the “Proceedings of the Military Association of the State of New York at its annual meeting in January, 1867.” It was published in New York by Richardson and Company, 540 Broadway.

Framed Photograph of Eli Chesebro wearing a suit and tuxedo.

This is a portrait of Eli Chesebro (1829-1892), a Private who served in the 108th NY National Guard Company B at the Old Stone Fort from January 14, 1865 to August 14, 1868. The 1820 Flintlock Musket as well as the belt, pouches, powder flask and cartridge box were given to him after the regiment disbanded in 1868. Chesebro’s belongings were donated to the museum in 2023 by Judy Marie Sharpe Sitterley on behalf of the will of Richard Adam Sitterley, Chesebro’s Great-Great-Grandson.

Converted flintlock rifle.
Pouch and powder flask.

Cap box, Belt and a Cartridge box that reads SNY.





The printed document below is General Order No. 1 and it was issued on March 6, 1865. To put this in perspective, this was a little over a month before the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. These first few documents were for the entire regiment.

Head-Quarters 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., Schoharie, March 6th, 1865. General Order No. 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 151, Chapter 477, laws of 1861 (being the Militia Law of the State of New York), and of the requirements contained in paragraph 536 of General Regulations, a meeting of the commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. is hereby ordered to be held at the village of Schoharie, on Tuesday the 21st day of March, 1865, at 9 o'clock A.M. for improvement and instruction. 1. The principal instructor will be such officer as designated in Paragraph 538, General Regulations, and Lieut. John Maternaghan will act as substituted inspector at such meeting. 2. Officers will appear with fatigue caps. No other uniform will be required. 3. The course of instruction will consist of the School of the Soldier, Manual of Arms and School of the Company. 4. The regulations and discipline applicable to Parades and Drills will be enforced during the continuance of the meeting. 5. Officers recently elected who have not received their commissions, are required to be present and will be considered the same as officers in commission. 6. Commandants of Companies will cause this order to be served upon the officers of their respective commands required to be present at said meeting; and acknowledge the receipt of this order by communication to these headquarters. 7. Officers will report themselves to the Adjutant, at the building of the Schoharie Valley Stock Grower's Association, in Schoharie village, before 10 o'clock A.M. on the day designated in this order, and not absent themselves during the drill or continuance of said meeting without the permission of Commandant of the Regiment. The Commandant takes this occasion to congratulate the officers and members of the 108th Regiment upon the prospects of an organization of an efficient military force in the county of Schoharie, attached and belonging to the National Guard of the State of New York. He has the assurance of the Chiefs of Departments at General Head Quarters, that no efforts shall be wanting in giving said Regiment every facility in their power to perfect the organization; and it devolves upon the officers particularly, to see that their respective commands, and those under their special charge, are properly qualified for any and all duties that may be required of them by the proper and constituted authorities. Commandants of Companies will be held responsible for the efficiency and drill of their subordinates, to the Colonel commanding the Regiment, as he is held for the discipline of the Regiment to his superiors, and it should be their study and aim to excel each other in complying with the requirements of the Laws, Tactics and General Regulations. At the date of this order this Regiment consists of nine Companies of one hundred men each, the officers of eight of which are in commission. There is yet one Company to be organized by election of officers on the 18th inst. Arms have been issued by the Commander-in-Chief for 600 men, and more will be issued as soon as obtained by the State. An appropriation has been asked of the Legislature by the Adjutant General, sufficient to equip and uniform the National Guard, and it is confidently believed that the Regiment will be furnished clothing, &c., in time for the parades of the coming year. By order of Colonel A.N. Wakefield. J. Maternaghan, Adjutant.

*A Fatigue Cap is a hat that was commonly worn during the Civil War.

*A Drill Parade is a formation of Soldiers marching close to each other with restricted movement.

Head Quarters 108th Regiment National Guard, Schoharie, May 26th, 1865. General Order, No. 2.- 1. In pursuance of the Law and Regulations governing the National Guard of the State of New York, the Commissioned Officers of the 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. are hereby ordered to assemble at the house of Le Ray Eldredge in the village of Cobleskill, on the 3rd day of July next. In Full Uniform, for theoretical instruction and drill. 2. By "full uniform" is meant, fatigue cap, coat, pants, sword, sash, belt and shoulder straps. 3. As this improvement meeting is to be held preparatory to a Regimental Parade, it is hoped that every officer will be present, and evince an earnestness and anxiety to become qualified to discharge the duties of the position he may hold. 4. The course of instruction to be pursued during the current year will be promulgated at the meeting named in this order. 5. Officers are reminded of the necessity for frequent squad and company drills. Much effort is required of company officers to advance the discipline and drill of their commands, in time for Battallion or Regimental drills and parades, and as stated in General Order No. 1, the commandant of the regiment will hold them responsible for such effort. 6. The officers of companies not in possession of arms, are urged to prepare the requisite papers and obtain them from these Head Quarters at once. 7. The commandant of the Regiment has the assurance of the Quartermaster General, that it will be furnished with five hundred uniforms by the middle of July next, and the balance at as early a day as they can be manufactured. 7. Commandants of companies will serve a copy of this order upon the Commissioned officers of their respective commands, and acknowledge receipt thereof and send certificate of such service to these Head-Quarters, and will also notify the adjutant of any vacancies to the end that they may be filled. By order of Colonel A.N. Wakefield, Commanding 108th Regiment N.G, &c. John Maternagan, Adjutant.Headquarters 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., Schoharie, July 17th, 1865. General Orders No. 4. Pursuant to the National Guard of the State of New York, it is hereby ordered: 1. That the Field Officers, Commissioned and non-Commissioned Staff Officers, Musicians, and Privates of Companies A, C, G, H, and K, of the 108th Regiment N G. S. N. Y., be and are hereby required by the law and regulations of the State of New York, at the village of North Blenheim, in the County of Schoharie, on Friday, the 18th day of August, 1865, at 9 o'clock, A.M., for drill, military exercise and improvement. 2. The Field Officers, Commissioned and non-Commissioned Staff Officers, and the Officers, nonCommissioned Officers, Musicians and Privates of companies B,D,E,F and I, are hereby ordered and required to appear armed and equipped as required by said law and regulations, at the village of Cobleskill, in said County, on Saturday, the 19th day of August, 1865, for drill, military exercise and improvement. The Field and Staff are not required to be mounted at either of the drills. 3. Commandants of companies will attend immediately to the furnishing of arms and equipments as follows: - At least forty muskets to each company, which will be delivered from the Regimental Armory at Schoharie, upon the filing of the proper security at these Headquarters. Uniforms will be furnished on requisitions made by commandants of companies upon the Quartermaster as follows, to-wit: To companies A,B,C, and F, forty suits each. To companies G and H, thirty-two suits each, to be delivered from the Regimental Armory at Schoharie. To companies D,E and I, forty suits each. To company K, forty five suits each, to be delivered from Quartermaster's office at Cobleskill. 4. Commandants of companies will furnish uniforms to the non-commissioned officers of their commands before equipping the privates. 5. The inability of the Quartermaster to furnish suits for all the privates in the several companies, will not be considered a sufficient excuse for the absence of any member of the companies from the parades hereby ordered. Commandants will see that each and every member of their companies are notified although they have no uniforms. 6. The Headquarters of the Regiment at the Parade on the 18th inst, will be at Snyder's Hotel in North Blenheim, and on the 19th inst at the Hotel of LeRay Eldredge in Cobleskill, where officers will report to the Adjutant at precisely 9 o'clock A.M. Roll call at 10 o'clock A.M. on each day. By order of A.N. Wakefield. Colonel, Commanding 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. John Maternagan, Adjutant.

Military Order. Headquarters, 5th Division, N.G. of S.N.Y., Oneonta, July 13, 1865. General Orders, No. 6. - Pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the officers of this division at their annual meeting held at Washington Hall, Richfield Springs, Otsego county, on the 6th and 7th of July inst., and the power given me by the General Regulations for the Government of the Military forces of the State. The following course of Instruction for the year 1865, is hereby announced in prescribing this course of Instruction. It is not to be understood that commanding officers of regiments are in any manner relieved from the usual duties of Instruction in their commands, nor is to be considered but in addition to this course. Where a command is sufficiently capable, other and more advanced Light Infantry maneuvers may not be practiced. But the commanding officers of these regiments are expressly required to perfect their commands in a thorough knowledge of the maneuvers prescribed in this course, in connection with which their attention as well as that of Brigade Inspectors is particularly directed to the General Regulations, paragraphs 542 to 547, inclusive under the Head of Instruction. Brigade Inspectors in making their Reports to the commander in-chief and to these Headquarters will have a care to mention by their letters and the names of their respective commandants of such companies as were particularly distinguished by the promptness and precision of their movements, and will also mention such companies, if any, as were conspicuously deficient in a knowledge of the maneuvers prescribed in the course. The commandants of regiments will prescribe the course of Instruction for the companies in their respective regiments, as is laid down in the books of tactics, the School of the Soldier Manual of Arms, and School of the Company. The maneuvers of this course will be performed consecutively while moving where provided, though reference is made to maneuvers from a halt as well as on the march, commencing with No. 1, and terminating with No. 10, and as of course according to the Tactics prescribed for the National Guard of the State. The Battallion being in two ranks, (see 5 to 10, vol. 1st of Hardee Tactics, and paragraph 34 of General Regulations.) No. 1, To open and close ranks. No. 2, Manual of Arms. No. 3, To advance in line of battle. No. 4, To break by company to the front, to the right into column and march by column. No. 5, Column of companies at full distance, right in front to the left into line of battle. No. 6, To break by company to the front to the left into column (as directed in No. 4). No. 7, Column of companies at full distance left in front to the right into line of battle (as directed in No. 5). No. 8, Break by companies to the rear by the right into column. No. 9, Repeat No. 5. No. 10, Break by companies to the rear, by the left into column (as directed in No. 7). The order of procedure at the parades for the Annual Inspectors will be as follows: First - Dress Parade. Second - Review by Division or Brigade Inspector. Third - Execution for the Inspector of Div. and Brigade Inspectors of the maneuvers prescribed by this order. Fourth - Review by a General Officer. Fifth - Inspection. Sixth - At the close of the parade the Dress Parade. Believing that the above course will be sufficient for the limited time alotted to the Regiment, in the year and that a few maneuvers well understood and executed is far better than a great number half understood and carelessly performed. By order of S.S. Burnside. Major General, Major T.G. North, A.D.C., Colonel C. Unbel, Division Inspector.

These next five documents apply only to Company B. After the resignation of Captain Richard Wallace, an election was held to replace him. Charles Throop won that election. Since these documents were written in cursive, a transcription has been placed below them.

Notice for Company Election

To Sergeant Elijah Chatterton

YOU ARE HEARBY ORDERED to notify several persons whose names are hereunder written, with three days’ notice, that an Election will be held on the 29th day of July at 10 o’clock, in the fore noon, at Agricultural Hall in the Town of Schoharie for the purpose of choosing a suitable person to fill the office of Captain in the 108 Regiment, 18 Brigade, and 5th Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, which has become vacant by the resignation of Richard Wallace Hereof fail not; and make due return to me of the time when you shall have respectively notified said persons and the manner thereof. = You will also notify the persons in the Annexed list that the uniforms which have been (amended) to this company will be (drawn) for after the non-commissioned officers are furnished and that a drill will take place immediately after such (doing) and distribution.

William O Root                                Wm Zeh

Char M. Throop                               Wm Parrot

Elijah Chatterton                             George Weidman

C M Boughton                                   Erskine Becker

Luther Shaffer                                   Edmond Simeon

Nm. A. Nicks                                      Edwin Shaffer

Jerome J Knicker                              Jacob H. Shaffer

George Kniskern                               Origen Rickart

Theodore Reginer                              James Rickart

J M Noxen                                          Joseph Kinney

George H. Shaffer                            George Woodcock

Thomas B. Borst                               Wm Spaulding

Henry B. Bagley

Henry C. Root

C.C. Lasell

Daniel Young

Zinas Spawn


Dated at ________this 4 day of July A.D. 1865.

Notice for Company Election

To Sergeant Sherman Schoolcraft

YOU ARE HEARBY ORDERED to notify several persons whose names are hereunder written, with three days’ notice, that an Election will be held on the 29th day of July at 10 o’clock, in the fore noon, at Agricultural Hall in the Town of Schoharie for the purpose of choosing a suitable person to fill the office of Captain in the 108 Regiment, 18 Brigade, and 5th Division of the National Guard of the State of New York, which has become vacant by the resignation of Richard Wallace Hereof fail not; and make due return to me of the time when you shall have respectively notified said persons and the manner thereof. = You will also notify the persons in the Annexed list that the uniforms which have been (amended) to this company will be (drawn) for after the non-commissioned officers are furnished and that a drill will take place immediately after such (doing) and distribution.

Sherman Schoolcraft

Simeon Shell

Eli Chesbrow

Wesley Towsend

Wm L. Roney

J B Hinting

Daniel Salsbury

Jacob Jost Jr

Theodore Haverly X

Lambart Bassler

Dated at ________this 4 day of July A.D. 1865.

Quartermaster’s Dep’t,

108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y.

Cobleskill, N.Y., Sept 26 1865.


You will please take notice of an order. Hereby promulgated of which the annexed printed circular as a copy.

Rect: (Monroe)

Charles Holmes Quater Master

108th Regt N.G.S.NY.

For Capt Throop

Commanding Co “B”.

108 Regt N.G.S.N.Y

Headquarters, “B” Co. 108th Regt. N.G.S.N.Y

Schoharie Sep 21 1865

Sergt. Wesley Settle

You will notify immidiately upon receipt of this order the following named persons to appear at a Court Martial to be held on the 9th day of October 1865 at the Hotel of J. Maternagan in Schoharie and make return of your doings herein to me.

CM Throop

Capt Comdg “B” Co.

Simeon Shell.  T

Eli Settle.  Sent by Mail

Duane B. Whipple.  Not found

Hiram Becker.  Sent By Mail

Sanford Marcelus.  P

Charles Armstrong.  T

Paul Becker.  T

Alvy Becker.  T

Henry Norman.  Sent By Letter

David H. Salsbury.  T

David Bateholts.

Morgan Devoe.  Sent By Mail

Headquarters, “B” Co. 108 Regt N.Y.S.N.Y.

Schoharie Sept 26th 1865


Sergt. J.H. Clark

You will immediately upon receipt of this order, notify the following named persons to appear at a Regimential Court Martial to be held on the 9th day of October AD 1865 at the Hotel of J. Maternagan in Schoharie and make return of your savings here in to me.

C.M. Throop

Capt Comdg “B” Co.

Sergt David L. Bouck.  Notified  P

Geo. Efner.                             N      “

Christian Schaeffer.             N      “

C.H. Underhill.                     N (of word)

Calvin Hunt.                         N. Personally

The rest of this exhibit displays a mix of Regimental and Company orders, documents, etc.

Head Quarters 108th Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y, Schoharie, January 2nd, 1866. General Order No. 1: 1. Commandants of companies will report such commissioned officers in their respective companies as may have been absent from any parade, been found guilty of neglect of duty, or disobedience of orders or who failed or neglected to uniform themselves within the time required by law, to the Brigade Court Martial, ordered to be held at the Court House in the village of Schoharie, on the 18th day of January next, at 2 o'clock P.M. 2. Commandants of companies will send immediately to these Head Quarters a full roster of commissioned and noncommissioned officers of their companies with the post office address of each, accompanied with a statement of the number of privates uniformed and ready for duty, also the number of ununiformed men on their respective rolls who are residents of the company District and (unable) to do military duty herein. 3. In case of the change of residence of any members of companies from one Co. District to another in this Regimental District, commandants will report the same to these Head Quarters, that proper steps may be taken to transfer them to the company where they may now reside. 4. By order of the the commandant of the 18th Brigade, no resignations will be accepted except upon the recommendation of the commandant of this regiment, therefore resignations will hereafter be addressed to these head-quarters. 5. The attention of commandants of companies is called to section 136. chapter 477, Laws of 1862; and they are hereby directed to see that its provisions are carried into effect. As armories have been furnished to each company in the regiment, and appropriations made by the Supervisors for the payment of rent &c., there is no reason why drills should not be held at least once in each month, especially in the manual of arms. 6. Officers who have made disbursements for transportation of arms or equipments, should forward the bills for such disbursements to the Colonel of the Regiment, properly verified by oath, that they may be presented to the auditing board; also all persons who are entitled to pay for notifying delinquents are requested to do the same. 7. Commandants of Company Districts (who have not already done so) will forward to these head-quarters the name of a suitable person for Armorer for appointment. By order of Colonel A.N. Wakefield, Commanding 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y. John Maternagan, Adjutant.

The 108th Regiment


To Capt CM Throop


Sept 4.     To 1 Days Service attending parade of uniformed militia               3.0[…]


July 6.      To 2 Days Service notifying delinquents to appear at Regimental Court Martial  1 25                                                                                                                   2[…]

Aug 27.     1 Days service attending Regimental Election at Middleburgh.       2.00

Sep 3.        1 Days service attending parade of uniformed militia –                     3.00


I certify the above to be true and correct.

Charles M. Throop

Capt Comdg. “B” [Company]

B Company., 108th Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., Schoharie, September 4th, 1866. Company Orders - No. 3. 1. The non-commissioned Officers, Musicians and Privates of "B" Company., 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., are hereby ordered to attend a Company Drill, to be held at the Armory, in Schoharie, on the 13th day of September, 1866, at 9 o'clock A.M., and to come prepared to leave at the Armory on the day of and after the drill is dismissed, all uniforms, arms and equipments in their possession belonging to B Company, 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. 2. Officers notifying members to appear at the drill will deliver a copy of this order to every person notified. 3. Any member retaining possession of any uniforms, arms and equipments, or parts thereof, after this order takes effect, will be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable under Section. 1, Chapter 809, Laws of 1866, for the government of the National Guard of the State of New York. By order Captain C.M. Throop, Commanding B Company., 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. Wesley Settle, Orderly Sergeant.

Headquarters 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. Cobleskill, September 12, 1866. General Orders No. 1. By virtue of a Commission to me issued by His Excellency Reuben E. Fenton, Commander-in-Chief, I hereby assume command of this Regiment. The Commissioned Staff will immediately report for duty. Commandants of companies will cause all noncommissioned vacancies to be filled in their respective commands, and immediately report a list of commissioned officers, with date of commission, to the Adjutant of the Regiment, at these Headquarters, to the end that any existing vacancies may be filled at an early day. The following Brigade Orders No. 3, dated August 22, 1866, are hereby promulgated: Extract. The 108th Regiment at the Parade Ground in the village of Schoharie, Schoharie Co., on Monday, the 24th day of September 1866. Persuant to above order, the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates of this command, will appear uniformed, armed and equipped according to law, at the village of Schoharie, on Monday, the 24th instant at 9 o'clock A.M. of that day for parade inspection and review, and will not leave until dismissed by the Commanding Officer. Commandants of Companies are charged with the promulgation of these orders, and should lose no time in so doing, as the time is limited. A. Ferguson, Colonel Commanding. [Official] D.W. Durrow Adjutant.

Head Quarters 108th Regiment., N.G.S.N.Y. Cobleskill, N.Y., October 8th, 1866. General Order-No.4: Commandants of Companies composing the 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., are hereby directed and required to cause all arms, accoutrements, uniforms, uniforms and other property issued to their respective companies to be returned to their respective Company Armories on or before the 27th inst., for inspection, pursuant to section 868, Article 43 of General Regulations. In case of neglect, the property not so returned will be charged to such Commandant as lost, unless satisfactorily accounted for. Lieutenant Charles Holmes, Quarter Master of this Regiment, is hereby directed and required to make or cause to be made such inspection, and to designate and notify the commandant of each company of the date thereof. The commandant of each company is hereby required to attend, or cause one of his subordinate commissioned officers to attend in uniform and aid in such inspection and in making proper returns thereof. By order of Colonel A. Ferguson, Commanding 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y. D.W. Durrow, Adjutant. Quarter Master's Department 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y., Cobleskill, N.Y., October 8th, 1866. Pursuant to above instructions I hereby designate the following dates for inspection of Regimental and Company Armories in this Regimental District, viz: Regimental and Company B, October 29th 9 A.M. Company F, October 29th 2 P.M. Company E, October 30th 9 A.M. Company D, October 30th 2 P.M. Company I, October 31st 9 A.M. Company K, October 31st 2 P.M. Company C, October 29th 9 A.M. Company G, October 29th 2 P.M. Company A, October 30th 1 P.M. Company H, October 31st 1 P.M. The company officer designated to attend and aid in such inspection is hereby requested to be in attendance at his Company Armory at the hour designated, and have the property therein conveniently arranged and in proper condition for Inspection. Chas. Holmes, Q.M., 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y.

Circular. Headquarters 108th Regiment., N.G.S.N.Y. Cobleskill, October 8th, 1866. 1. Commandants of companies who have not done so should lose no time in making returns of delinquencies to Captain. Geo. L. Wilbur, President of the Court Martial, at Richmondville, as the court convenes on the 22nd inst. at the National Hotel, Cobleskill. Such returns should be made by the 15th inst. It is earnestly requested by the commanding officer that company commanders will act promptly and efficiently in all matters pertaining to the welfare and good discipline of the Regiment, as it is only through their prompt co-operation that he can ever hope to make the 108th what it should and can be made, the best Regiment in the 18th Brigade. He refers with pride to their good conduct and to the high encomiums paid them at the close of the late parade. It is earnestly hoped that all officers not proficient in tactics will provide themselves with a copy, and master them by earnest application and study, for it is only by this course that they can ever become efficient officers. Any officer not having a copy, will be furnished on application at Headquarters personally, or by mail. 2. Attention is called to the absolute necessity of putting the arms in good condition. Company commanders not having suitable armories, should immediately take measures to have them provided. Good, reliable armorers should be appointed, to take care for and put the arms in good condition. By sending such appointments to Headquarters they will be immediately confirmed in orders. When we accept commissions we also accept the responsibilities attached thereto, and should promptly discharge such responsibilities or retire in favor of those who will do so. It is a position of public trust; and honor and good faith alike demand that we should discharge the duties entrusted to us by the people of the State of New York, through their representative, the Commander-in-Chief, with commendable fidelity. Private interest may be neglected and the consequences of such neglect fall only upon ourselves, but when we consent to become the custodian of public interests, we have a duty to perform which we cannot afford to neglect. By order of A. Ferguson, Colonel Commanding. D.W. Durrow, Adjutant.

State of New-York

Adjutant General’s Office

Albany, July 8 1867

Respectfully returned,

The within mentioned company was organized by General Order No 92 (service) of 1862 and assigned to the 40th Regiment. It was transfered to the 108th Regt in Dec 1864 and has been organized as Company “B” of that Regiment up to the present time. The members are entitled to all the privileges and exemptions allowed to the National Guard of the State of New York.

                                          (JBJ Touchouse)

Asst Adjt General

Head Quarters 18th Brigade, N.G.S.N.Y. Hancock, July 30th, 1867. General Order - No. 3: 1. Commandants of the several Regiments in this Brigade will report to these Head Quarters immediately the number of men in their respective Regiments who are ununiformed, or unequipped, stating in what particular they are so ununiformed and unequipped. Also to what Regiment, Battalion or Battery they belong. 2. Regimental Commanders will forthwith make out and forward through these Head Quarters the proper requisitions for any deficiency in uniforms, arms or equipments in their respective commands. By order of Brigadier General Williams Martin, Commanding 18th Brigade N.G.S.N.Y. Fred M. Wheeler, Assistant Adjutant General, Official-A. B Kiersted, Aid de-Camp. Head Quarters 108th Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., Cobleskill, August 5, 1867 General Order-No. 1: In pursuance of orders from Brigade Head Quarters, entitled "General Order No. 3," which is hereby promulgated, Commandants of the respective Companies in the 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. are hereby required to report officially to these Head Quarters immediately, in writing directed to Lieutenant Charles Holmes, Cobleskill, N.Y.- 1. The names of all commissioned officers in their respective commands, with date of commission, or date of election where commission has not been issued. 2. The names of all non-commissioned officers in their respective commands and vacancies if any exist. 3. The number of members in their respective commands belonging to the National Guard who are ununiformed and unequipped. 4. The number of members in their respective commands belonging to the National Guard who are ununiformed and unequipped, stating in what particular they are so ununiformed and unequipped, and if any are partially uniformed and equipped, the extent thereof. 5. Where vacancies of non-commissioned officers exist, to cause the same to be filled forthwith, and notify the acting Adjutant immediately, as above directed, that warrants may be issued to them. By order of A. Ferguson, Colonel, Commanding 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. Chas. Holmes, Q.M., Acting Adjutant.

"B." Company., 108th Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., Schoharie, August 27th, 1867. Company Orders-No. 2: In pursuance of orders from Regimental Headquarters, entitled General Orders No. 2, dated Cobleskill, August 22, 1867, which are hereby promulgated- 1. The non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates of "B." Company are hereby ordered to appear at the Company Armory in Schoharie, fully uniformed, armed and equipped on Monday, the 9th day of September, 1867, at 9 o'clock A.M., for drill and improvement. 2. All vacancies of non-commissioned officers will be filled on the same day. Order of Charles M. Throop, Captain Commanding B. Company 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y. Wesley Settle, Orderly Sergt. 35w2

"B." Company., 108th Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y., Schoharie, September 2, 1867. Company Orders-No.3: In pursuance of orders from Regimental Headquarters, entitled General Orders No. 3, dated Cobleskill, August 30, 1867, which are hereby promulgated- 1. The officers, non-commissioned officers and musicians of "B." Company, 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. will report for duty at Headquarters in the Village of Middleburgh, Schoharie County, armed, uniformed and equipped according to law on Thursday, September 19th inst., at 10 o'clock A.M. for drill and improvement in military tactics, tactics, and will continue two days. 2. The officers, non commissioned officers, musicians and privates of B. Company, 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. are ordered to appear armed, uniformed and equipped according to law, at the Parade Ground in the Village of Cobleskill, Schoharie County, on Tuesday, September 24th inst., at 10 o'clock A.M., for drill, inspection and review, the same to continue for four consecutive days, By order of Charles M. Throop, Captain Commanding B. Company., 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y. Wesley Settle, Orderly Sergt. 36w4

Sergt Wesley Settle

Sir you will notify the following named persons to appear at a Court Martial to be held at the hotel of E.D. Atchinson in the Middleburgh on the 8th day of November next and make return of your doing herein to me.

Schoharie Oct 15, 1867.

Capt C.M. Throop

Sergt. Sherman Schoolcraft.

Corp. Martin Zeh.                  Eli Settle.

Lambert Bassler.                    Alvy Becker.

Paul Becker.                            Jacob Root Jr

Eli Cheesbro.                          David H. Salsbury

Morgan Devoe.

Lucius Gibbs                           W Settle

Simeon Shell.                          Sgt.


Adjutant General’s Office

Albany April 3d 1868

Captain CM Throop

Company “B” 108th Regt NY

Schoharie N.Y.


In reply to your communication of the 28th inst. I have to inform you that the following are the persons charged by the State for uniform and equipments for a member of the National Guard

Uniform                  $14.00

Equipments                5.00

Springfield Rifle      13.00

Total.                      $32.00

"B" Company., 108th Regiment. N.G.S.N.Y., Schoharie, May 1, 1868. Company Orders No. 1: 1. The Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Musicians and Privates of "B" Company, 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., are hereby ordered to appear uniformed, armed and equipped, as the law directs, at the Company Armory, in Schoharie village, on Thursday, the 14th day of May, 1868, Thursday, the 18th day of June, 1868, Thursday, the 16th day of July 1868, and Thursday, the 20th day of August, 1868, at 9 o'clock A.M., for drill and improvement. 2. All Non-Commissioned Officers, Musicians and Privates are ordered to come prepared and to leave at the Company Armory on the first day's drill, after the drill is dismissed, all Uniforms, Arms and Equipments in their possession belonging to "B" Company 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., that they may be properly marked, that every member may retain possession of one particular uniform and equipment, as this will obviate a great deal of trouble, heretofore existing, on account of members appropriating to their use some uniform or equipments not their own, in the absence of the person or persons to whom the uniform or equipments belong; therefore, it is hoped that this section will be strictly complied with. 3. Any member retaining possession of any Arms, Uniforms or Equipments, or parts thereof, after this order takes effect, will be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable under the Military Laws for the government of the N.G.S.N.Y. 4. Non-Commissioned Officers serving this order will deliver a copy of it to every person notified. 5. The necessity of these Drills must be obvious to all, if we wish to have a well-drilled and efficient organization. We have a new system of Tactics (Upton's), entirely different from any heretofore in use. Being new to us all, it will require frequent and attentive drilling to make us familiar with it; therefore, it is earnestly hoped that the members of the Company will act promptly and willingly in all matters pertaining to the welfare and good discipline of the Company, as it is only through your prompt co-operation that "B" Company can hope to be made what it should and can be - the best Company in the 108th Regiment. We have the material! Let us make a united effort the coming season, and there is not a doubt but our efforts will meet with a perfect success. 6. If the Commissioned or Non-Commissioned Officers at any time wish for extra drills, or any information in regard to the new Tactics, the Commandant will be pleased to hold such drills, or impart such information as he may be able to. Order of Charles M. Throop, Captain Commanding "B" Company, 108th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. Wesley Settle, Orderly Sergeant.

This final section of the exhibit shows the discharge papers of some of those who served in this company.

General Head-Quarters, State of New-York, Adjutant-General's Office, Albany. I hereby certify that CM Throop of the county of Schoharie being in commission as Captain in the 108th Regiment of Infantry of the Militia of the State of New-York, has, pursuant to the Militia Laws, reported himself to this office as a Supernumerary Officer, and is thereby exempt from the performance of Military Duty, except in case of war, invasion or insurrection. "Regiment disbanded pursuant to G.O. No. 14, June 5th 1868." In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of this Department, this twelfth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight. S.E. Martin, Adjutant-General.

Captain Charles Throop later served as the President of the Schoharie Bank. His family owned Throop’s Pharmacy in the village of Schoharie.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Sherman Schoolcraft a Sergeant of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Sherman Schoolcraft from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Erskine Becker a Corporal of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Erskine Becker from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Peleg Chesebro, a Corporal of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Peleg Chesebro from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Lyman C. Green, a Drummer of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 25th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty six to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Lyman C. Green from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That David Bateholts, a Private of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said David Bateholts from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Eli Chesebro, a Private of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Eli Chesebro from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Morgan Devoe of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Morgan Devoe from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Albert Dietz, a Private of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Albert Dietz from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Harmon North, a Private of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Harmon North from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Henry C. Root, a Private of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 21st day of July one thousand eight hundred and sixty [tear in page where year should be] [to serve] for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Henry C. Root from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.

Discharge by Disbandment. To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That Manning Saddlemire, a Private of Company B of the 108th Regiment Infantry National Guard of the State of New York, who enrolled on the 14th day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to serve for seven years, (Sections 22 and 146 Military Code,) is hereby Discharged from service in the Active Militia of the State of New York, this 14th day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight at Schoharie by reason of the disbandment of his Regiment under orders of the Commander-in-Chief. This Discharge does not exempt the said Manning Saddlemire from military duty in the Reserve Militia, not entitle him to any other exemptions under provisions of the Military Code. If he shall hereafter enroll himself in any organization of the National Guard, the Commanding Officer of such organization is authorized and directed to enter upon the enlistment papers and muster-rolls the term of service as appears by this certificate, which term shall be credited and allowed upon the entire and complete term of seven years, in the same manner as if tendered continuously in one organization. And the said Commanding Officer is directed to take up this certificate and file it with the records of his Company or Regiment. Given at Schoharie this 14th day of August 1868. Major G.O. Mead. Inspector 18th Brigade and Mustering Officer. C.M. Throop, Captain Commanding B Company.